Friday, January 16, 2015

Comet Lovejoy

Finally a clear night.  It has been cold and cloudy, even rainy, pretty much all year so far in 2015.  Today about noon it cleared off and we had a beautiful day.  Judy and I did a bit of geocaching about 4:30 and picked up several along Military Highway just south of us, including a 'thorn in my side' that has bugged me for awhile, and a D4 that was just put out recently. The D4 was laying on the ground! It had fallen from it's perch so I signed the log, took the D4, and slid it back into its hidey hole. After that we grabbed a bite to eat at Las Comales, practiced our Spanish a bit, and zipped back down to the park to see if Venus and Mercury were going to be visible during the 'event' tomorrow. They were and will be.  Beautiful in the west at 6:30 pm. They have pulled apart a bit since I last saw them a couple of weeks ago but still pretty close, less than 6 degrees. Tonight I pulled out the lounge and went looking for Comet Lovejoy.  I used M41 as a pointer and my trusty 10x50s.  Follow the line of Eta Tau and 23 Tau about 12 degrees NW to find a large-ish fuzzball.  I did not see a tail but the comet itself is fairly bright.  I admired it until clouds moved in about 10:00.  This should be quite a treat tomorrow night if the weather cooperates.

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