Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Comet Lovejoy again

I've been watching Venus and Mercury the past few days.  Of course the skies have been pretty clear since Saturday night! Tonight was spectacular: clear, dry, cool but not too cold so I decided to set up the ETX.  After fumbling with the alignment a few times I was finally able to center on M45 and star hop to Lovejoy. It was  just ok and a bit disappointing.  I think the view might even be better in my 10x50s. The problem is the nearby street light and security light across the street combination. Between the two there is enough stray light to choke a horse. An improvised light shade made a noticeable difference.  A bit higher magnification would have helped too.  Other than that, the view was steady so at least Judy was able to get a peek at this fairly rare event. I finished off by reporting my sighting of Orion on Globeatnight.org.  My limiting magnitude of 4 was actually pretty good compared to all the 1s, 2s, and 3s I saw from around the world.  There was one 7 reported from a remote site in Japan.

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