Sunday, December 14, 2014

Cruising Cassiopeia

It was finally clear tonight although it was quite breezy so I pulled out my trusty lawn recliner and 10x50 Nikon binocs for a little observing.  I decided on Cassiopeia since I knew from previous experience that it was in about the right spot for my backyard observatory.  It was in good position along with Perseus and Capella.  It took awhile but I was finally able to make out all five stars in Cas unaided. I used them to find M33 in the 10x50s.  It was visible but barely. I was able to see a few mag 8 stars in Mellotte 20 around Alpha Perseus also in the 10x50s. The Pleiades was visible unaided and a nice sight in binocs.  The neighbor's security light kept blinking on and off and it was generally pretty bright out.  Disgusting.  I gave up about 9:20 and went in to finish watching Dinosaur13 on TV.  Also pretty disgusting. Two years in the pen for not filling out forms. It would be good to know what REALLY went on behind the scenes.

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