Saturday, January 17, 2015

Special Event at the Park

Tonight I gave a presentation on Astro101 at Bentsen Rio Grande Valley State Park to about 27 visitors. I spoke for about a half hour on the basics of optical aids, star charts, and citizen science then we moved to the patio outside where we were able to see Venus and Mercury.  Most had not seen Mercury before. Unfortunately it was quite cloudy and we weren't able to see much more.  A little bit of Orion was visible occasionally. The talk was well received but the highlight for me was spotting a large brown tarantula on the way in on the driveway about 5:00. Judy had fun talking to a four year old boy who had 'seen an alien'. We finished up about 8:00pm. This was not advertised and the park staff were pleased with the turnout. We plan to repeat in Feb and March.

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