Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Taurus Poniatovii (and some other stuff)

It's been hot the last few days.  Hot and sticky.  So it was tempting to go out tonight and see what could be seen.  There's no moon and it was pleasantly cool under clear skies.  Delphinius was easy to see and I could even make out dim Sagitta, Sagitarius' little arrow.  I went out after reading one of my favorite columns in this month's S&T: Binocular Highlight.  This month was 'Finds in Ophiuchus' (p45 Aug 2013 S&T).  Old Ophi is a familiar sight in my southern exposure, made even better since I removed some trees in that direction last winter.  I quickly zeroed my 7x50's in on Beta Oph.  Beta and Gamma make a nice pair easily visible unaided.  Just a field east of Gamma was a large V-shaped pattern of 5 bright stars: Taurus Poniatovii.  It looks like a miniature Taurus charging through my binocs.  Properly emboldened I next went after IC4665.  Bingo, there it was, making about a 130 degree angle with Beta and Gamma, a fairly bright glowing blob of stars.  A bit dim but actually one of the nicer open clusters I've seen, not counting the Pleiades of course.  I next tried for the whole enchilada, Cr 350, another open cluster south of Gamma.  At first there was nothing but a small isosceles triangle of 3 stars and a dim star off to the right about the same distance as the height of the triangle.  Cr 350 should be in the middle of that pattern but where was it.  I decided it was too dim and my eyes weren't dark adapted enough so I paused to check out Nova Del 2013.  Sagitta was clearly visible unaided so I figured the nova would be a snap if it was still visible.  There it was, right below the little sat dish asterism I had seen the other day.  It is down to about mag 6.4 now, dropping like a stone.  I used a little tricycle-like asterism nearby to estimate its brightness. Several minutes had passed so I went back to Cr 350.  Using averted vision I was able to make out a small rectangular patch right where it should be. 
I've not had much luck with the Collinder series since I started it half-heartedly a while back after finishing the Messier list.  They are generally pretty dim, especially for binocs or my ETX-70.  It looks like I've finally broken the jinx and snagged a Collinder!

1 comment:

Lee Marks said...

Congratulations, Hardy!