Thursday, August 29, 2013

Neptune, Nova, Scutum, etc

Tonight was another great night for observing.  It was muggy but not dewey and quite clear.  After my eyes dark adapted I was able to make out dim Scutum just off the 'beak' of Aquila.  It holds a pretty (and bright) open cluster I hadn't noticed before as well as a Messier object I've seen but didn't really pay a lot of attention to.  After scanning the sky around Scutum, I checked out Nova Del 2013.  It actually looked a bit brighter tonight.  I read earlier at AAVSO that these Novae tend to hang around for awhile and can be surprising.  The little tricycle asterism really helps to spot the Nova.  Next I rolled over and located Capricornus.  It was low and dim off the east wing of Aquila and below Aquarius but I was eventually able to make out its bat-wing shape.  Heading north from Cap I star hopped with my 7x50's over to Neptune.  There it was, very dim but unmistakable.  I'll have to try catching it in my 8" dob tomorrow night when company is here.

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