Friday, February 22, 2008

Splitting Castor

It was clear tonight so I hauled out the Dob and checked out Castor. After I figured out that Mars wasn't in Gemini after all and moved the scope to the right position, I was able to split Castor A and B nicely with 100x. These two are separated by only 4.5". The 9.8 magnitude SAO 60199 companion was also clearly visible at 40x and 100x. The mag 10 TYC2453-00454-1 companion was also easy to see. Try as I might, I was unable to find the Gemini nebula (NGC 2371/2372) though. It was getting a bit hazy and the moon was getting higher too so that might have had something to do with it. Sirius was just over the grapefruit tree so I was unable to see M41 below it as well. I may need to be satisfied with splitting doubles and looking at the moon until we get back to MO dark skies!

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