Saturday, February 9, 2008

Checking out the new moon

The waxing moon was high enough in the west tonight and the seeing was very good so I took the 8" dob out to the front drive and checked out the moon through my 25mm EP and 2x barlow. The view was excellent. I even picked up a dim star on the trailing edge of the moon. The star was most likely TYC0586-00626-1, an 8th magnitude star. There was a 9.67 mag star on the leading edge that was barely visible in the moon's glare. There were lots of nice shadows but I made no attempt at identification tonight. The barlow and 25mm worked well with the moon, M42, and Mars. All three were easy to find. Temperature was about 70F with no wind.
The neighbors, Jack, Betty, and Carol, were out and came over after awhile to see what was going on. We checked out the Orion nebula and mars in addition to the moon. They all thought it was great and were amazed at how fast the earth moved.

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