Tuesday, October 5, 2010

M79 - the last and final

I couldn't sleep and it was nice and clear with no moon at 4:30 so I decided to go for it. Armed with my trusty 7x50's and 'distant suns' iPod app I slipped into my sweats and into the cold. There was Orion and Lupus, big and bright. I could see m79's companion HR1771, a mag 5 star, unaided. With my 7x50's I could make out a dim glow just to the north of it: M79! I quickly grabbed my 8" dob, noticed M79 clearly in the 9x50 raci, and bingo, there it was, a nice bright globular. M79 is only a few 1000 ly's away so it's one of the 3 brightest globulars in the Messier collection. I'm wondering why I never saw it before, particularly as it is so easy to find next to Orion. Maybe it's just dwarfed by all the goodies in Orion. I'll have to try for it again in the valley when it will be out at a much more opportune time of night. 4:30 is for the owls.

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