Friday, December 26, 2008

Venus and Neptune captured

Venus and Neptune are approaching a conjunction on Dec 27, 2008 (tomorrow) but I wanted to take advantage of a clear sky while it's available and see if I could see both in the same FOV. I set up the ETX70 on a rickety card table out front as I did last night, did an Easy alignment about 6:15 and found Venus without trouble. Delta and Gamma Capricornus as well as 42, 44, and 45 Cap were all easily visible. I used my 27mm ep which give me about a 200' FOV. Drawing a line from Venus to 42 Cap there is a line of 3 mag 7-8 'stars' just to the left, starting about half way between Venus and 42 and extending just to the left of 42. Two of these 'stars' (SAO164548 and SAO164538) became reliably visible about 6:54. The third, at magnitude 8, is Neptune. It occasionally flickered into view with averted vision about 6:40 and was reliable at 6:54. By about 7:10 Venus had slipped low enough that the haze began to obscure the dimmer objects. A very dim fourth object (SAO164547) occasionally flickered into view at 6:54. Neptune was dimmer than SAO164548 but brighter than SAO164547 so I put it at about magnitude 8.
The ETX kept the view steady without needing any adjustment during this whole period. The temperature was a nice 74F, there was some high haze but no low clouds, and it was quite windy. While I was in the area I decide to try for M30. Goto M30 produced a field with two visible stars, possibly 41 Cap and HR8247, and M30 **may** have been visible near 41 Cap. It would be worth trying again when it's a bit higher and with a 10mm ep.

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