Monday, August 25, 2008

Ophiuchus Globulars

Finally, a nice dark clear night after two months of cloudy semi-daylight in the sub-arctic north. We just got back from a long trip to Alaska, and, while it was interesting, it wasn't exactly an astronomer's dream! I WAS able to finally see one of Jupiter's moons in my trusty 7x50's on our 'ranch' in Montana. I decided to make up for lost time by trying for M10, M12, and M14 featured in the August S&T. These showed up nicely in my 9x50 finder but M14 was a bit harder than M10 and M12. Four of Jupiter's moons: Ganymede, Io, Europa, and Callisto were pretty pinpoints, Europa just peeking out from the edge of double striped Jupiter, and Ganymede&Io were bunched up together on the opposite side from Europa and Callisto.

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