I decided to go ahead and post one of my unadulterated hand-sketches of a Virgo galaxy I haven't been able to identify. This was done on 5-5-08 about 10:00 pm CDT from my Rolla home under slightly hazy skies. I was mainly trying out a new el-cheapo red-dot finder I made. I used a $4.95 Chinese gunsight I picked up a Academy Sports in the RGV back in February. The mirror cut out way too much light so I took it apart (with a razor saw no less) and de-coated the mirror with a bit of Comet cleanser. It works a whole lot better now but the red x is still a bit too bright. One of these days I'll get around to making an external 3v supply for the thing with a resistor to cut the current to the led. In the meantime, it works well and makes it much easier to locate objects. Now if I point it at a visible star I can pretty well guarantee it'll be in the 9x finder. What I did on the evening of May 5th was to point my 8" dob at a spot midway between β leo and ε vir . I immediately found an eliptical blob in my 25mm ep and sketched the starfield. Unfortunately I haven't been able to identify the location! I decided to call my red-dot finder a success and resolved to be more careful about identifying my objects in the future.
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