Monday, March 10, 2008

Through the window screen

This evening was not very promising: cloudy and very windy. It cleared off and the wind died after dark though and the moon was only three days old and pretty in the west out our sunroom door so I thought I'd try pointing the scope out the window. The 10mm ep was no good but there was a pretty good view through the 25mm. Severe diffraction patterns visible through the screen. I managed to find Langrenus crater and Petraveus though. Vallus Rheita and Watt were also easy to see as well as several others sketched in my notebook. When the moon dipped below the window, I opened the door and pointed the scope through the doorway. Much better viewing with no screen to look through but the atmosphere was still pretty turbulent. Things kept coming and going out of focus. Metius had an interesting little 'tail of light' and there were three little 'bumps' in Mare Crisium, one of which looked like a sperm. I couldn't identify it on the VMA though.
I backed off a bit with the 25mm ep and looked at the starfield around the moon. SAO 92787 at mag 8.2 was dim but easy enough to see. It looked about 30' from the moon to the SE. Since the moon was moving that way, I thought I'd wait until it was occulted by the moon. It did about 9:31 pm. Ceil predicted it to occur at 9:29:30. The dimmest star was a mag 8.45 near reddish SAO 92774 to the N of the moon. I nudged the scope up toward the smudge of M45 and was treated to a nice view of the Pleades.
All in all this was not a bad way to stargaze! It got me out of the wind and I had a good place to rest my laptop with the VMA handy. I even tried turning on the overhead light but there was just too much ambient light with it on.

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